
Want to Know What I Did Today? (335/365)

Absolutely freaking nothing.

Well that's not entirely true. I laid on the couch, watched some movies with the girls, knit a few rows of Alice's scarf (After many past attempts I finally decided to give knitting another go after being bitten by the bug over Thanksgiving. And you know what, I was finally able to make my normally crocheting hands do it!), took a much needed nap, and generally felt pretty icky. So much so that Matt came home a bit early to relieve me of my motherly duties. Gotta love him.

Alice didn't go to school today as I felt she probably needed one more day to fully recover from her illness, though she hadn't tossed her cookies since yesterday late in the afternoon. She certainly seemed on the mend from about 9am - chipper and rambunctious as ever, though I did make her stop and rest several times. I think she was about over the taking it easy nonsense by about noon.

Izzy seems pretty ok, though she's not eating much and she's having some nasty BMs. It's funny how kids can get sick with something and it barely effects their day-to-day, but an adult can get the same illness and it knocks them on their butt.

Which is what I believe happened to me. Last night some time the stomach bug hit me, and though I never got physically sick, it did wipe the last bit of energy out of me. Thankfully my girls were very cooperative today and played very nicely together so I could rest, but I still asked Matt to come home a bit early if he could so I could get a bit of rest. Thank God for him, he's been a saint this week. I'm very grateful that he's been taking care of dinner, the girls, and me for the past three days. He's definitely a keeper. :)

Well here's to feeling better in the morning. I will force myself to get some things done come hell or high water! I'm just SOOOOO sick of being sick. I'm over it, body. Get with the program, I want to feel better already!!

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