
I Hate Nightmares (131/365)

So I woke up this morning, very early in the AM, dripping with sweat and not wanting to go back to sleep. You see, I had this crazy dream that there was a cougar stalking prey in J'ville (i.e. - humans). The part of this dream that really stuck out to me was the color. I don't very often dream in color (in fact, I don't remember dreaming in pictures at all until I got pregnant with Alice. It was just like what I imagine it's like for a blind person to watch a movie), but this dream was in black and white except for the bloody parts. Think Schindler's List. It was one of those dreams that you wake up, and even though you know it was a dream, you don't want to move, you don't want to breathe, it ruins your entire day. Needless to say I was glad that it was a rainy day because there wasn't a chance in hell I was going outside.

Especially not after that were-cougar sighting we had about a year ago here in Aurora.

What, I never told you that story? It was a Sunday night, it was dark, and we were driving back from my in-laws. We had just passed the train station when up ahead in the shadows Matt and I both saw the outline of what was, without a doubt, a large cat crossing the road. I would have thought I was seeing things if Matt and I didn't both see it at the same time. Of course by the time our headlights would have reached the animal, it was already across the street so the experience was all that more terrifying to me. Needless to say I didn't take Alice by myself more than 20 yards from the house for weeks.

So that's my story, and the reason why I have this ridiculous fear of big cats invading my neighborhood and eating my babies.