
Whoever Coined the Term "Terrible Twos" (133/365)

Must have never met a three year old because, let me tell you, two has nothing on three.

Alice has been acting up for longer than I care to admit, but this past week has been especially unbearable. Since Sunday our days have pretty much consisted of me telling her to do something (or not to do something), giving her a warning and what the consequence of disobeying will be, counting, and then taking away privileges or a time out. Sometimes there will be screaming from one or both of us. Sometimes she will throw something across the room (I can't deny it, she comes by this one honestly - just ask any of my brothers) and yell "NO! I hate it!" or some other variation thereof. By the time lunch is over and it's time for her nap she typically has lost all of her privileges and I have lost every last one of my marbles. I know she is just testing me. I know she is just going through normal kid stuff, but some days I really just want to lock myself in my room and throw in the towel.

Today was definitely one of those days, and I have to say that I'm glad it's almost over.