
Things That Make Me Feel Good Wednesday (272/365)

• Izzy totally misses Alice when she's at school. Today when we picked
Alice up from school, Izzy started squealing, flailing her arms and
legs, and she exclaimed "Aaa-iii!!" (or Alice, for those of you who
don't speak Izzy).

• My kiddos jammin' to my kind of music. Hearing Alice ask to listen
to Wilco or Izzy sing Pink Floyd sure makes a Mommy proud.

• Reading chapter books to my big girl and watching her fall in love
with reading right in front of me.

• Dinnertime with the family. With Matt in a super stressful class
right now it's really the only time we see him during the day. I'm
sure we'll all be happy when this class is over - especially stressed
out Matt.

• Weddings. Mary is getting married next weekend! I'm looking forward
to good times with family and to seeing Tori, who is coming up here to
watch the girls for us.

• Cooler weather. Fall is definitely upon us, and I'm loving it!
Pulling on my fleece slippers last night was pure heaven!

• Driving. Did I mention that I actually LIKE to drive now? I still
haven't gone on a longer trip on my own, but I'm going to go see my
MIL on Friday, so that'll be an experience, I'm sure. I still get
nervous, but I'm at a place now that I never thought I'd be.