
The Best and Worst Part of Yesterday (136/365)

All of the kids piled on the blow-up bed and watched The Lion King
while Matt made dinner. Who knew that such a silly thing like that
could make all five of them so rediculously happy?

It was such a good day I'm still blogging about it!

Oh and I wanted to go on record and say how much I didn't like the new
bear enclosure at Brookfield. I'm sure it would be awesome when the
zoo isn't crowded, but even with the normal traffic that there was
yesterday, my slight claustrophobia kicked in full force and it wasn't
pretty. People push and shove, race to get a spot when a bear is in
the water, push kids out of the way, don't think twice about coming
between you and the group of children who were obviously with you,
etc. There had to have been some fire code they were violating by
allowing that many people in an enclosed space like that.

Anyway. There were also some design flaws like very narrow walkways in
some spots and the fact that you have to walk through a SMALL giftshop
in order to get out of the bear area. Now I know why they do this, but
I don't like being forced to walk into a shop, let alone one that is
hard to navigate through with kids, a double stroller, and a wagon
(which many people use at the zoo) due to the fact that it is so small.

I'll certainly give it another chance because it does have the
potential to be an awesome experience, but it will have to be on a
very traffic light day.