
I Almost Forgot (192/365)

Thanks to James I didn't forget to do my blog tonight.

Well it's just the rents, James, the girls, and I now. Everyone else has gone back home for the week because they are all suckers who have jobs. Today we went out for "Mexican" food before everyone parted ways courtesy of the old folks and I must say I was pretty impressed with my fajita - one of the best I've ever had. Good food I expected, what I didn't expect was for Matt and Nurse JJ to have to force a chip from Isabel's throat. She's ok and happily ate her quesidilla 15 or so minutes later, but she sure has hell gave us all a scare. I sure hope some day that kid will give up the giving her mother a heart attack ploy for attention. I get it, kid! Enough already!

Tomorrow - probably some playtime with Uncle James and I'm making Grandma spaghetti. Hopefully I can make GG proud!