
Why Couldn't it have been a Happy Baby Post? (128/365)

Go to Google and type in "angry baby".
Then click the Images tab.
Look at the front page.
Notice anything?

Here, let me Google that for you.

In case you don't understand, the child in the blue shirt with her arms raised over her head with a sour look on her face is Alice when she was about 11 months old. I discovered that she was on the front page of an image search several months ago. How'd it get there? Well someone, or several someones, stumbled upon my blog, yanked my picture, and reposted it elsewhere. I had to write a few letters to admins of message boards and writers of random blogs asking them to take my picture down. Some complied, others ignored. Then I realized that all of them instead of saving the picture and rehosting, simply stole my bandwidth. So eventually I just deleted it from my Photobucket account, wiping it off the face of the internet.

Except for that damn thumbnail on Google that just won't die, even after having deleted the photo months ago. At least it's moving closer and closer to page two. When I first discovered it, it was the second entry.

So, now all the world, or at least all the world that reads my blogs or sees her picture on Google, knows the truth. Alice has had an anger issue since she was at least 11 months old.

I wonder if there is any hope for her?