
Merry Quack Quack! (359/365)

Matt and I started our day bright and early at 6am.
After we had showered and changed, I decided to wake the girls with my camera.
"Mommy, it hurts my eyes!"
Wish I could have actually seen where I was pointing the camera,
but you get the point.

Izzy was out like a light and couldn't have cared less about my flash!

Once she got up though she was in awe of all the presents!
(This was definitely the first Christmas I've ever had that started before sunrise!)

Can you tell she just woke up? She couldn't wait to dig into her stocking.

She's such a happy girl, the duck kazoo helped, I think.

I wonder what my sister got for me for Christmas!

I don't believe it!

I had so much fun watching Izzy open presents.

This was one of the big reasons why!!

What's this? We still have ONE more present to open?
And it's for MEEEEEEE??
I wonder what it is . . .

It's a scooter (not pictured, you'll just have to trust me), just what I always wanted!!!

Then we went to Mom and Dad's for breakfast and the rest of the day's festivities.
Unfortunately my camera decided to crap out and I have to send it back in to Canon.
Needless to say this was not the highlight of my Christmas.

I blame Patrick. ;)

Merry Christmas, Everyone!!!

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