
Doctor Visit (301/365)

Alice: she's a beast! The kid weighs in at 50 pounds and she's 44
inches. That's off the charts for both measurements! I knew she was a
moose. I talked to the doc about her tonsils. He had mentioned them
before (she's got massive kissing tonsils), but it never caused her
issues so we left it at that. Now she snores, chokes on them, and they
impair her speaking to a point. Needless to say he recommended she see
an ENT and have them taken out.

Izzy: she's dropped from the 50th percentile for weight, to the 37th.
I'm not surprised considering she's been eating like a bird for the
past month. Doc upped her Zantac by a ml per dosage in hopes that that
is her issue. Cross your fingers that that is what is going on.

For good measure I threw in a pic of Alice's costume that I FINALLY
finished. Just in time too as her school Halloween party is tomorrow!

1 comment:

Dr. Cindy S. C. Rice said...

One of the things that tends to happen with kids who have grown early is that they get treated like they are older. Teachers and other adults may sometimes forget that she just turned four. You'll have to remind them that although physically and cognitively she is ahead, she is right on for fine and gross motor development. I know, I know, Dr. Grandma again, but I really want people to treat her like an early 4 not a late 5.