
Busy Day! (277/365)

This afternoon after school, the girls and I went over to Alice's
friend Emily's house for a visit. We intended to only spend about an
hour there and ended up spending four! It goes without saying that we
all had a blast.

The girls are very much alike so I can see why they get along so well
at school. Her mom is great and I have a lot in common with her too.
We played on the trampoline, in the sandbox, the girls got to go
upstairs and play unsupervised in Emily's room (Alice LOVED that
part), they played dress up, etc. It was a very fun day and neither of
my girls wanted to leave.

Tonight I made eggs with fried veggies and Alice got to help. I try
and get her in the kitchen as much as I can, but she doesn't always
want to help. She gets such a thrill out of cutting veggies, but she
especially liked getting to crack the eggs! It actually fit right in
with what Alice said they are doing at school right now. They cracked
open an egg and examined the contents. Then they put an egg in vinegar
to see if it will change. I'm quite impressed with all that they do
with the kids, even if I never hear about it from Alice only in my
weekly emails from the school! It can be like pulling teeth to get
her to tell me what she did at school!

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