
Hopefully It's Not a Fluke (221/365)

The past couple of days Alice really seems to be putting in the effort
to overcome some of her behavior issues. I can't really say that I've
been doing anything different to prompt this change, but I have been
trying to make the effort to be more calm with her in hopes that that
would make her more calm.

Today she was pretty darn good. She listened to me, and if she
disagreed she'd quickly catch herself and we'd talk through things
instead of arguing about them. For once she actually ate all of her
dinner with out needing constant reminders to take bites, and she had
seconds! The only big issue we had was her usual fit about cleaning
up toys before Daddy gets home. At least it didn't take her two hours
to finish cleaning this time - I got to keep telling myself it's the
small victories.

My fingers and toes are crossed that this trend continues.

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