
A Day of Firsts (243/365)

Today I bought Alice five or so outfits for school, plus new shoes,
and everything came from the GIRLS section. I've had to shop there
before, but never for EVERYTHING. My baby is officially no longer a
toddler. Also, would you look at her with that purse that she just
HAD to carry?! She's definitely my girly girl!

We had been out for hours and kind of missed lunch, so I decided it
best to grab a quick bite before heading to Meijer for round two of
shopping. I had to settle for McDonnald's because the Chic-fil-A still
isn't open (I'm being patient, but damn, I want some chicken nuggets
and waffle fries!) and while we were there we met a nice woman who was
there with her mother. We talked for a bit while waiting for our
orders and then parted ways. Fastforward a half an hour or so and we
run into each other, mulitiple times, in Meijer. The last time the
woman was eating from a Cheese-It box and said something about the
salad not being filling enough. Then she offered me and my girls some
crackers. I accepted, so today is the first day I took food from a
stranger…in a supermarket.

Poor Izzy. This one isn't going to be a fun paragraph. Poor Izzy is so
backed up that she's not eating well at all. The past few weeks I've
been struggling to keep the girls hydrated and both of them have had
BM issues as a result. Izzy though I'm starting to wonder if her
deminished appetite isn't tooth related at all, but due to her belly.
This evening she struggled SO much to no avail. It was my first time
ever having to deal with a very stopped up kid, and I hope she can get
some relief soon. I was so desperate to get her to eat something that
I fed her applesauce off of my finger (the only way she'd eat it).
Hopefully I don't have to buy some baby laxatives, but if she's not
feeling better in the morning, I'm going to have to pick something up.
Like I said, poor Izzy!

There will be a day of firsts tomorrow as well - preschool starts
bright and early in the AM. Now I'm off to convince Matt it's time to
get off the computer so we can go to bed!

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