
The Events of the Day (194/365)

  • I woke up still feeling like hot garbage from the night before. I think I really overdid it on the curry. I felt like puking my guts out by about 11pm.
  • James let me take a catnap or two while the girls played and he made sure they didn't kill themselves or each other (thanks, bro).
  • During Izzy's nap, James built a little wooden airplane with Alice and took her outside to play. I'm assuming they had a great time because when she came back she was the same color as her shirt (hot pink) and no she wasn't sunburned. She's just heat sensitive like her Uncle Freddy.
  • I made cottage cheese pancakes, per James's request, for dinner tonight and boy were they scrumptious (yes Charles, I made sure the old man kept his paws off of the last one).
  • After dinner we all went our separate ways. Grandma went to a meeting at school and took Alice with her, Dad and James went down to Camp Bunn, and Izzy and I stayed home and played until it was her bedtime.
  • One awesomely cute thing she did today was I was humming a tune and surfing the web while she was playing, she stopped what she was doing and came over to me, put her forehead on mine and started humming along with me. I don't think we were humming the same tune, but it was damn cute regardless.
  • Alice was brave and actually went down a few slides today (this kid absolutely hates slides) and she even traversed some sort of giant giraffe at Grandma's school. I'm quite proud of her bravery!

Tomorrow I will be making fried cabbage and Tori, JJ, Grandma, the girls, and I will be heading to Knights Action Park for an afternoon filled with waterpark fun. I hope the 93*F weather treats us well. Afterwards we plan on eating at and hanging out at JJ's house, which isn't far from the park. I can't wait!

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