
200 Days Down! (200/365)

Can you believe I've made it this far?! Who'd have thought that I'd
actually keep up with this?

Anyway, today I didn't get a thing done, literally. And I'm not just
talking in the sewing department either. I've been laying on my couch
napping and praying that the kids don't get into too much trouble
because I've been feeling rather awful today. I'm not sure if it's
something I ate or a bug, but hopefully it passes soon. I did manage
to take a pic of my fabric for you all to see, but keep in mind it's
not an accurate representation since I took it with my phone.
Hopefully I can get it all pinked, washed, ironed, traced, and cut
tomorrow and maybe I'll move on to the skirt if there's time.

Cross your fingers I'm feeling better tomorrow. I'm ready to get to

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