
I Blame Matt (168/365)

We went out driving tonight knowing that we'd probably stop for dinner
somewhere on the way home. Our usual place was about 15-20+ minutes
away with traffic, so we opted to go to Outback instead.

When we got there I said to Matt, "does Nicole still work here? I
can't remember." I don't know why, but we couldn't remember! We
ordered, ate bread, and when our meal came out who do you think
delivered it to us? Nicole! It was a freak thing that she was the
one who brought it out, and boy was she shocked to see us there!

For one, she knows I'm not a huge fan of the place, and two we went
there and didn't request her! I felt, SO bad. We got to chat a bit,
and she took the girls over to see some of the neat wall flair. As
usual, Izzy didn't want her to leave and she cried for her when Nicole
had to get back to her tables.

Turns out, it was probably a good thing we didn't have her because
Matt realized on the way home that he miscalculated the tip and
totally short changed the waitress. Oops! See, our brains are fried

1 comment:

Matt said...

I blame Izzy, she was all restless and whatnot when I was trying to calculate the tip.