
Is She Really Old Enough? (103/365)

Today we signed Alice up for preschool. It seems like there is no way
she's old enough for this, she is still a baby afterall, isn't she?
She's actually 3.5 going on 30 and oh so ready to be in school! Of
course this means that Mommy finally needs to get her license, which I
am oh so ready for! This should be good for both of us.

Anyway, her school is part of (yet separate from) the church we
occasionally attend, and they far exceeded my expectations when we
visited today. Due to her birthdate, she technically doesn't qualify
for the older class (needs to be 4 by September 6th), but based on how
she behaived today, they think she's better suited for that class
despite this. It's hard to believe my baby is getting so big, but at
the same time I welcome the change.

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