
It's Been a LOOOOONG Day (81/365)

As someone who loves her sleep, today's 4am wake-up call was not a good start to my day. Today was EEG day for Izzy, which meant that she needed to be sleep deprived before her 8am appointment time, which meant that I had to pry my butt out of bed well before I wanted to. The test went well, she fell asleep about 5 minutes after the nurse left her room and she slept as long as she was supposed to. She did wake up for the strobe portion of the test, but really, who wouldn't?! She even came home with a special lap blanket from Project Linus that I know we'll put to good use in the car next winter. Our schedule was off all day long so hopefully tomorrow things will be back to business as usual. I'll be sure to let you all know when we find out the results!

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