
It Beats Watching Football (38/365)

What it takes to get one good picture of the two of them together.
Please click to enlarge to see the hilarity.

Charles and Erin were in the area this weekend at a geek gathering LAN party so they decided to drop by on their way back to Charleston. Turns out Matt's parents are much closer to where the party was, so we opted to meet up there instead of here at our house. It worked out great for us since that is where we typically spend our Sundays anyway, and I didn't have to clean my house in anticipation of the visit. SCORE! I think they had a good time seeing the girls and chatting with my fam. They both got to experience a typical Bathje dinner, which wouldn't be complete without 140 decibels of noise (right, Erin?). Charles even got to blow out a candle one day early for his birthday (is he really going to be 30?!). All in all it was a pretty damn good Sunday.

Hope you two are safe and sound in Chucktown by now. It was so good to see you.

1 comment:

Sloth Love Chunk said...

i would be very interested in seeing just how many google searches turn up this blog post due to the label "Eww Don't Lick Her Face."

all in all it was a very good time. and I loved the roast beast sandwiches. been so long since i have had a good soggy beef.