
Ch Ch Ch Ch Changes (57/365)

Lately I've been constantly reminded of the fact that my first baby is not such a baby anymore. When I was in J'ville last weekend, I looked back at pictures of Alice from when Izzy was born and I can't believe how much Alice has grown - no wonder she's growing out of her clothes as fast as I can buy them! She's engrossed with activity books and constantly wants to write her letters and do her alphabet dot-to-dot pages. The thing that has really been a daily reminder that she's growing up is, sadly, her attitude. There are some days when it's all I can do to keep my cool and not pull my hair out. You've heard of terrible twos, but let me tell you, they've got nothing on three. Today I actually sent Alice to her room for a punishment and for her to think about her actions and how she can be better. She's certainly retaining what I tell her in terms of how she should act, but I'm waiting for the day when she gets it and changes her first response to a situation. I know, I know, it could be a long time before that happens, but I'm hoping she'll surprise me.

1 comment:

jessicat said...

Whoever named it teeinle twos was full of malarky! As I say two is a crash course for three but there is a end in site oh and then they become 10. It starts on a whole new level yikes, you can do it, you are an awesome mom, after all you learned from one of the best ones I have ever known.