
Bathroom Beauty (36/365)

Click to enlarge.
Gotta love this kid! We gave Alice her own makeup bag for her birthday last year and so far she's colored in the lines (and followed my rules: it must stay in the bathroom, she has to ask first, and if we are going out somewhere she may only use light colors). Tonight was obviously a different story. In her defense she did ask me if she could use the reds and browns and I told her she could, not to mention the fact that she had Daddy in there taking pictures of her egging her on.

Had we gone out in public like that someone would have called DCFS on me.

In other news, I think Alice has finally made a breakthrough in the pooping on the potty department! She definitely knows when she needs to go, it's the convincing her to sit and to try for longer than a minute that's been hard. I'm hoping she'll get it soon as I'm so tired of cleaning poop out of her panties or wiping her after she's gone in a pull-up. She's also starting to wake up dry in the morning, which is HUGE for Alice since she is typically in an overnight diaper plus pull-up at night (and even then she still leaks sometimes), so I'm hoping that means that in another few months we won't have to even buy pull-ups anymore. Ahhhh, I have to say, I CAN'T WAIT!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow - she looks like she just went five rounds with a doorknob - and the stairs - and ...