
How We Spent Our Christmas Vacation - Part 3 (6/365)

Despite the fact that Annie and I slept on the couches Christmas morning, Santa still came for the whole family. Can't say that I heard the Big Guy, but he sure did leave quite a good amount of loot in his wake. Matt was upstairs with the girls - unfortunately he didn't get much sleep. I don't know what it is about those girls, but they just do not like to sleep anywhere other than their own beds.

Morning came and we all changed INTO our Christmas PJs - yes I said into. My mother in law decided last year that 2009 was going to be Christmas PJ Christmas so we could all be comfortable. Needless to say I think we are going to continue the tradition next year! It was so nice to sit in super comfy PJs all day and visit with family. Fred out did us all though - his fiancee bought him some footie jammies - complete with trap door.

Everyone got lots of great gifts, and of course the girls made out like bandits. My fav was definitely the book Matt had made from my Alice in Chicagoland blog. It's nice to have it in print and to be able to look back on that time in our lives. Plus it was the motivation for me to make this blog!

After dinner and the ornament exchange that I mentioned the other day, the crew and I packed up and set out for home - with twice the amount of stuff in tow that we came with! Despite having fallen asleep nearly as soon as her head hit the carseat, Alice was ready to dive into her presents that Santa left for her at home while we were at Grandma and Grandpa's. After giving her about a half an hour to wake up, that is!

We also showered them with gifts, but the one I was most excited for Alice to open was her American Girl doll. She had actually been mine for 20+ years, but for the last 10 or so she's had a broken limb. As far as Alice is concerned, I sent Santa my doll and his elves fixed her up for me and he brought Kirsten back to our house for Alice to enjoy. The joy on her face when she first saw the doll really made my Christmas.

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday!

Alice and Izzy Christmas morning in front of the massive amount of
presents at Grandma and Grandpa Bathje's house.

Izzy enjoying Uncle Freddy's puppet.
Too bad you can't see Fred's PJs in all their glory.

"Oh my GOODNESS! Look what Santa brought!"

Can you tell she's in love already?

Izzy needed a bit of coaxing, but she seemed to enjoy herself
despite not knowing what was going on.

We saw this reaction, or better, several times through out the day.
My favorite was when she opened the Hungry Hungry Hippos from Auntie Annie.
She about died!


maggie said...

Just a quick note to say I am loving the new blog! I know you'll keep at it. A Rice doesn't set a goal and not do everything in his or her power to achieve it! It's been great; keep them coming, even when life seems boring. I treasure every word and photo!

Kathy said...

You guys pretty much have the cutest kids ever. Glad our kids will look similar! haha

- Kathy and Fred