
Rambling Randomness (278/365)

• I'm still on the fence about Izzy. Switching diapers seems to have
helped the peeing through her diaper business, but she is still not
eating well. It's funny because some days she eats great, but most
days she really only eats one good meal. I think I'm going to have to
break down and call the doctor.

• Alice has gotten back in the habit of climbing into bed with us
again. She'll say she's cold, or her room is scary, or the light from
outside is in her eyes, anything to stay in our bed. She's driving me
nuts, and this time around I can't put a childproof door handle on her
door to fix it.

• Alice STILL hasn't had a full nights sleep on school nights. We put
her to bed early, but she'll still manage to stay up to or passed her
non school day bedtime. No wonder she drags in the afternoon on school
days! It makes for a rough day for Izzy too, unfortunately.

• I'm excited to see my sisters this weekend, though we won't be
around for much of it. JJ and Tor will be here to watch the girls for
us on Saturday. I know they are all going to have a blast!

• Fruit flies are my least favorite pest at the moment. We recently
have had an outbreak of them and they are driving me nuts! Not to
mention the fact that my house now smells if apple cider vinegar
because I'm trying to trap and drown them - yuck! They are so
freaking hard to get rid of.

• Iz has recently started saying a lot more words, though her favs are
still "hi" and "bye-bye". It's so cute hearing her say Alice's name!
She really is growing up way too fast!

• We decided not to do a big bday bash for Alice this year. We're
hoping to have two or three of Alice's friends from school over for
dinner, cake, and a sleep over instead. Then we'll just have cake and
probably order pizza at Mom and Dad's house for whoever is there on
Sunday when we go over. Then of course we'll do something with my
family the next time we are home. I hope it all works out. Alice is
DYING to have a slumber party!

1 comment:

niftysunburn said...

To me having three parties certainly sounds like keeping things low key.