
First Full Day Home and What Did I Do?(268/365)


Ok, I read to the girls, and played with them a bit, and kept them in
check, and talked on the phone, and Skyped with Jess, and surfed the
web, and watched Ponyo for the 900th time, and ate pizza, and took a
nap, but I still consider all of that doing nothing. We're going to
my in-laws tomorrow so we'll see how that goes. I don't know if I'm
tired for no good reason, but I certainly am tired.

Matt is back to work after an unintentional week off come Monday. Like
it or not, things will return to normal soon. I'm doing well for the
most part. I woke up this morning with that excruciating pain again
and so I'm more convinced than ever that the pain that sent me to the
ER truly was muscular/skeletal. I think it got better in the hospital
b/c I had the awesome bed that made it so I didn't have to sleep on my
side. Now that I'm home and I have to, it makes perfect sense why it
came back. I'll be talking to my doc about that when I see him in a
few weeks.

Matt is getting really good at giving me the shots. I don't have a
single bruise on my belly (my arms, a different story - OUCH!), just
some pin prick spots at the injection site. He's so good that I barely
feel the needle go in, and sometimes I don't even feel that. I'm sure
he'll be glad when I get the OK to stop the Lovenox!

Thanks for thinking of me, and for the many phone calls I've received
lately. I love you all and it's nice to know that so many of you care.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad you're home and sorry that you have to do the lovenox shots. So nice that hubby is helping with them - I had to do them from 20 weeks with the piglet... not fun, and so nice to get a break and have some one else do them for you...

hopefully you'll be off them soon!