
Can You Guess What Izzy is Doing? (245/365)

I'll give you a hint, she is NOT looking for something she dropped.

Give up? Poor thing is actually sleeping! She started to get crabby
during lunch and was very slowly eating her food. Next thing I know
she's pulling a Grandpa Charlie and she's sleeping sitting up. Then,
just like G'pa, her head gets heavy and starts to flop…right onto her
highchair! She must have been super tired because it didn't even
phase her, she just sat up (while sleeping), then laid her head down
like this.

Wanna know the craziest part? Once I put her to bed (about 5 min
after she fell asleep) it took her an hour to go back to sleep! Silly

Day 2 of preschool tomorrow. Cross your fingers all goes well!!

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