
This Kid Won't Listen to Save Her Life (224/365)

Alice, for a LONG time had never been one to put things in her mouth
that didn't belong there. At Izzy's age she would pick things off the
carpet (usually cat hair) and give it to me (in fact, Izzy does this

Flashforward about two years and I swear she's worse than the typical
infant discovering their mouth! She will put anything in there, and
she's sneaky about it too. At the beginning of this week she laughed a
big belly laugh in my field of vision, and her mouth looked like she
had just had several fillings put in. Turns out, she had decided she
was hungry and so she ate a blue crayon. Sure was fun picking that out
of her teeth.

Then this afternoon I had a conversation with her that went something
like this:

ALICE: Mom, what's this blue sticky stuff on my hand? It's on my
teeth too.

MOM: Did you eat something? What did you eat? SHOW ME WHAT YOU ATE!

I was afraid she had put her finger into the toilet AGAIN and got some
of the gel toilet cleaner on her hands as she had just come from the
bathroom. Nope, it was crusted toothpaste that was on the sink from
who knows when.

I try to tell her that we don't put things in out mouth that aren't
food, but if course it goes in one ear and out the other. She's VERY
much into the independant, doing what Alice wants to do and nuts to
Mom, phase so I'm not surprised. I just wish she'd throw me a bone and
listen to me sometimes, especially when she could potentially put
something very harmful in her mouth.

I swear this kid is going to be the death of me.

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