
We Have VEESETORS! (77/365)

Ok, so we have a visitor. Uncle Chuck is staying with us for the night on his way to Michigan for some geeky stuff, I'm sure. Alice was more than happy to humor him and play farmer for a good half hour before she decided she had better go to bed. He'll be on his way in the morning, but it will sure be nice to have him, even if just for a short while. Come crash at the Bathje pad, we always have room for a few more!


Sloth Love Chunk said...

couch will be a welcome change i think. the cannon ball bed and the bed at erin's rents make my back hurt.

Tori said...

Awh! So cute! I'm glad he got to spend time with you and the fam! I must say, I'm a little jealous, as I could use an Alice hug with an Izzy cuddle right about now... I love you! Tell everyone I said hi and that I love them!

Matt said...

Go eat something Tori.

Also, the backwards 3 in the header now confuses me.