
This Is What My World Has Looked Like Today (61/365)

Ok, so it's not an entirely accurate representation, but it'll do. I started feeling like crap since yesterday after Cindy's doctoral defense, and it's continued on into today. I don't have nearly the headache I did when I was at Tori's house, but it's still there somewhat and it's driving me nuts. What's really been bugging me is the dizziness and sinus/ear heaviness. I'm betting they are all related and I'm nursing a sinus infection. Hopefully it won't get much worse than how it is now because I can semi function still so long as I take it easy and don't make sudden movements which cause me to get dizzy. So needless to say I won't be doing much staring at the computer screen tonight to write this post as its is making my head screwy as well.

I hope I feel better in the morning.

Oh, and BTW, Izzy stood for 10 seconds or so unassisted this evening!


maggie said...

Two words: Neti Pot. I know it seems odd, but if there's anything sinus-related going on, your life will never be the same after neti.

Matt said...

I agree 100% - she just thinks it is gross to borrow mine.

Unknown said...

I have never heard of this Neti Pot. So Rae made me watch an instructional video. What a bunch of hippie bull ... I'm not pouring hot salt water up MY nose ...