
Who Knew? (35/365)

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Lately Matt and I have been into playing our Wii a lot. We've had it for ages, but we kind of lost interest in it there for a while. I did end up getting a Wii Fit Plus for my birthday so that may have something to do with it. Anyway, Alice has been really big into it too; and as it turns out, she's really good! She schooled me in bowling, and I have since adopted her patented spinning throw which caused me to have a NEAR perfect game (10 strikes in a row, got 9 down on the 2nd part of the 10th frame, then picked up the spare). She's pretty good at just about everything else too. What surprised me the most was what she did tonight, though. I let her play boxing for the first time ever, but before that I had to try it once to remember how the controls worked so I could teach her. I won my fight, but I sure was pooped, especially since the guy kept getting back up again! Anyway, Alice comes in and on the first round gets a KO!! I'm telling you, the kid is a Wii genius!

Haha, Wii genius. See what I did there? No, ok.


cs white said...

Is that a short joke?! ha! Ben's already better than me at Mario Kart and I haven't let him play much more. oy.

maggie said...

You're a Wii bit nuts, aren't you, Bex?