
What Are Uncles For? (25/365)

Apparently Alice either watches way too much TV, or she's been corrupted by her Uncle Freddy and his love of The Slap Chop (or at least his love of the commercial remix).

Scene 2
MOMMY is at the table getting ready to chop and onion for dinner.

ALICE: Mommy, are those onions making you cry?

MOMMY: No, not yet, but as soon as I cut them they will.

ALICE: Maybe you need a Slap Chop. It will make it so you don't cry.

insert hysterical laughter

ALICE: They have a thing for cheeeeeze too.

ALICE exits stage left, muttering to herself about what The Slap Chop has to offer.

Please enjoy the commercial remix that Freddy is so fond of.

And in other news - Alice had pooping on the potty success today! Hopefully she keeps it up; I'm not going to lie, I don't have my hopes up very high!


Sloth Love Chunk said...

lol thats great. I bet Fred is so proud.

jessicat said...

Almost makes me want one...note I did say almost...