
So You Say It's Your Birthday (30/365)

The flourless chocolate cake was pretty easy to make,
but let me tell you, that bad boy is DENSE!

So dense in fact that we stopped at two candles
because they were so hard to push in the cake.

Matt didn't really care for the texture, but I know at least one person who didn't mind.

By the way, as of today I OFFICIALLY made more posts in 2010 than I did in all of 2009 on my old blog! Thanks for the Birthday wishes to those of you who made my day special. You make having a kidney infection on a day like today much more pleasant.


Sloth Love Chunk said...

was it more like a brownie??

jessicat said...

Oh no - a kidney infection really? That stinks! Anyway, hope you had a happy happy! Eat a bite (notice I didn't say slice ;) for me.

Becky said...

no it wasn't like a brownie. matt says the texture was like "really compacted dirt," whatever THAT means. it was SUPER chocolaty with a bit of a weird texture. personally i would have rather had cheesecake, and in fact the next time i make it i may just use this chocolate instead of what i normally use as it was so good.

ok matt now says a really good way to describe it would be "really dry cheesecake" and i tend to agree with that statement. it was still pretty good, but not as good as i had hoped.

maggie said...

I think the cake looks and sounds delicious. And my birthday is Septembr 5.