
7,881 Grams (14/365)

That's how much my baby (plus soggy diaper) weighed today at her last cardiologist appointment until July! If you're not a Communist and therefore don't know metric (I kid, really), that's 17lbs 6oz in Imperial Units. Which means she's put on enough weight since her surgery to move from the 10th percentile (where she's been at since about 1 month) to the 19th!! All the more reason for me to want to send flowers to the makers of Zantac. We'll get a more accurate weight next week (sans urine soaked diaper) when she goes in for her 9 month check- up, but for now I'll take it!

Another great bit of news we got today I already mentioned - she doesn't have to go back to see Dr. G for six months! We are so relieved and I, for one, feel so much more confident we did the right thing in deciding on surgery for her. Even her doctor is amazed and happy at just how well she is doing and what a difference it has made for her.

I don't know if you can tell from the picture, but her scar is very minimal. Not only is it on the small side for this procedure, but there is just an ever so slight hint of pink to it. Keep in mind she'll only be two months out next week! I have every hope that by the time she's grown there will be nothing more than what looks like a cat scratch scar on her chest - and only pictures to remind her of what she went through when she was oh so tiny.

1 comment:

Dr. Cindy S. C. Rice said...

Yes, yes, yes!!!! Yay, Yay, Yay!!!!
Thank you Little in the Manger, Baby Jesus!